Server Assemble Location Authentication in Internet using Positioning Algorithm


  • A. Alekhya  PG Scholar, Department of MCA, St. Anns College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Dr. K. S. Yuvaraj  Assistant Professor, Department of MCA, St. Ann’s College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India


Indoor Positioning, Wi-Fi, Smartphone, LBS, Fingerprinting, Geographic Information Systems; Global Positioning Systems


Server Assemble Location Authentication mechanism to providing real time server location verification. Its uses and enhancing server authentication is browsers to automatically interpret server location data. Server Location Verification (SLV) is find Planet Lab to explain to SLV is compatible with the increasing trends of geographically distributed content dissemination over the internet without causing any interoperability conflicts. New notion of server location pinning within TLS to support SLV to evaluate their combined impact using a server authentication options framework. The propose system novel Wi-Fi indoor positioning and tracking framework which employs the spatial analysis and image processing methods. To specifically leverage Channel ID-based authentication in combination with server invariance to create a novel mechanism that we call SISCA Server Invariance with Strong Client Authentication. With the uses of signing and symmetric modules to secure verification process put forth. Sign module is responsible for signature generation of input data along with UMAC and unique signing key. Security design and implement is efficient cryptographic protocol that security keystroke integrity by utilizing chip Trusted Computing Platform (TPM). The protocol prevents the forgery of fake key events by malware under reasonable assumptions. The verification method is lightweight framework for restricting outbound malware traffic in Nearest Neighbor (NN) algorithm of the fingerprinting method to identify the initial position estimate of the smart phone user.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

A. Alekhya, Dr. K. S. Yuvaraj, " Server Assemble Location Authentication in Internet using Positioning Algorithm, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp.47-53, March-April-2018.